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Why Fast Feedback Loops Matter When Working with Kubernetes

· 9 min read

Debugging and Testing Made Easy with mirrord


In software development, fast, iterative feedback loops — known as dev loops — are essential for rapid prototyping and innovation. However, the complexity and disparity between local and remote execution environments can make this process challenging. Instead of staying in a flow state and quickly moving from idea to prototype, developers often have to deal with adjacent issues: building, deploying, and managing CI/CD pipelines.

Overlaying Kubernetes on top of an already complex process can turn development into a slow and painful experience. This complexity is why so many attempts have been made to solve this problem. Today, we will explore one of the most promising solutions.

The key to fast development cycles is reducing feedback time. The quicker you can test and debug, the faster you can iterate and improve.

Who Is This Content For?

This blog is for developers, DevOps engineers, and tech leads who work with Kubernetes and are tired of slow development cycles. If you’re looking for ways to improve your productivity and streamline your workflow, this is for you.

The Pain of Slow Dev Loops

Working with Kubernetes typically involves:

  • Creating Containers: This step can be time-consuming, especially when dealing with complex applications.
  • Pushing Images: Uploading images to a registry can take a significant amount of time, depending on the size of the image and the network speed.
  • Deploying to the Cluster: Waiting for the Kubernetes cluster to pull the image and start the containers adds to the delay.
  • Waiting for Feedback: Once the application is running, developers need to wait for logs and test results, which can take several minutes or more.

Each of these steps contributes to a slow development cycle, making it difficult to quickly test and debug changes. This can be particularly frustrating when trying to resolve critical issues or implement new features under tight deadlines.

By the end of this blog, you’ll learn strategies to speed up your development loop, reduce waiting times, and make debugging and testing more efficient.

Fast Feedback = Rapid Prototyping

What if we could integrate development loops so that the inner loop (code, test, build/run) seamlessly extends into the outer loop (build, test, scan, deploy, release)?

This would result in much faster feedback and iteration, leading to increased innovation. However, the development environment on my laptop or in a remote containerized service like Gitpod differs from the execution environment where the deployment is running.

What are the options?

  • Recreate the Kubernetes environment locally?
    Viable for some workloads.
  • What about recreating a cloud environment locally?
    Possible with LocalStack with AWS or TestContainers, but only to some extent.

The lowest common denominator

An interesting question to ask would be: is there something that both environments share? They do share the same container, but that’s not what I develop; it’s just a packaging mechanism. Digging deeper… how about a process 💡?

A process executing code runs on my machine the same way a process executing code runs in a containerized environment in the cloud.

Execution context matters

When executing code locally, everything needs to be set up on the local machine, including environment variables, file access, and networking. This setup ensures that the code can run as expected within the local environment. However, the context changes significantly when moving to a remote environment, such as a public or private cloud.

In a remote environment, which often includes a Kubernetes cluster running in the cloud, the infrastructure is more complex. Environment variables might be managed through cloud services or orchestration tools, file access could involve distributed storage systems, and networking might include virtual networks, load balancers, and security groups. Additionally, the context may include various integrated services such as databases, message queues, and other networking components.

Photo by Shubham

A piece of code that works perfectly on a local machine might fail in the cloud due to missing environment variables, incorrect network configurations, or issues accessing remote databases and queues. This discrepancy forces developers to replicate the remote environment locally or debug issues that only appear in the cloud, slowing down the development cycle.

Testing Locally with Remote Environment

So far we have established that in order to combine the two development loops and make prototyping faster, we need to run our local process in the context of its remote environment.

This is the recipe for success; run my local process in the context of a remote environment.

Here is where mirrord can help!


Does exactly what we need:

mirrord is an open-source tool that lets developers run local processes in the context of their cloud environment. It makes it incredibly easy to test your code on a cloud environment (e.g. staging) without actually going through the hassle of Dockerization, CI, or deployment, and without disrupting the environment by deploying untested code

Running App In Local Context

A simple nodejs app connects to Azure Storage Account and displays file content. As a developer, my task is to test my app. Let’s run it locally by executing those 2 justfile recipes:

nodemon server.js

browser: start_server
browser-sync start - proxy "localhost:3000" - files "server.js" "public/**/*"

If you want to learn more about justfile:

Master Command Orchestration

Transform Your Projects with Just

My app works, but there is connectivity

Right, that’s not going to help us test a new version of my app. With mirrord, we can connect my local process to a remote execution environment and my app running in a pod.

This results in the traffic, environment variables, and file operations being mirrored into my locally running process. Whew, that’s a mouthful. Let’s run mirrord:

# Run mirrord on deployment, this resolves to a single pod
@mirrord exec --target-namespace devops-team \
--target deployment/foo-app-deployment \
nodemon server.js
✗ just mirrord
New mirrord version available: 3.106.0. To update, run: `"curl -fsSL | bash"`.
To disable version checks, set env variable MIRRORD_CHECK_VERSION to 'false'.
When targeting multi-pod deployments, mirrord impersonates the first pod in the deployment.
Support for multi-pod impersonation requires the mirrord operator, which is part of mirrord for Teams.
You can get started with mirrord for Teams at this link:
* Running binary "nodemon" with arguments: ["server.js"].
* mirrord will target: deployment/foo-app-deployment, no configuration file was loaded
* operator: the operator will be used if possible
* env: all environment variables will be fetched
* fs: file operations will default to read only from the remote
* incoming: incoming traffic will be mirrored
* outgoing: forwarding is enabled on TCP and UDP
* dns: DNS will be resolved remotely
⠖ mirrord exec
✓ Update to 3.106.0 available
✓ ready to launch process
✓ layer extracted
✓ operator not found
✓ agent pod created
✓ pod is ready
✓ config summary [nodemon] 3.1.0
[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[nodemon] watching path(s): *.*
[nodemon] watching extensions: js,mjs,cjs,json
[nodemon] starting `node server.js`
Listing all containers and their first blob:
Server running on port 3000
Container: sample-blob

Notice that now all environmental variables are fetched from the remote execution environment (Kubernetes cluster).

* env: all environment variables will be fetched

Now we should be able to navigate to localhost:3000 and see that the connection was successful:

What we have achieved is that calls from our local process are as if they were made by the remote process and calls to the remote process are mirrored to our local process.

How does mirrord work

Simplifying, mirrord operates in an agentless mode, using kubectl to connect to a cluster and create a temporary pod for mirroring. The key components include the mirrordAgent, a Rust binary running as a Kubernetes job that proxies local processes by sniffing network traffic and accessing the file system of the target pod. The mirrordLayer, a dynamic library, hooks into the local process to relay file system and network operations to the mirrordAgent.

source: author based on

Real world is messier than that

Now we can iterate rapidly on a new version of my app and see how it behaves in the actual remote execution environment. This is however a simple example, there might be scenarios where we want to:

  • redirect or steal all the traffic instead of mirroring it
  • redirect only subset of calls or filtering out Kubernetes health checks
  • redirect database writes to a local db to avoid duplicated remote writes
  • run a new app or a tool in the remote context using targetless mode

Mirrord supports all those scenarios and more are being developed.

Closing Thoughts

Developing containerized applications for Kubernetes is hard. There are many options to help with the process, including tools like telepresence, skaffold, okteto, garden, and many more.

This tells us two things: first, there is no standardized way of supporting developers in their efforts; and second, the space is still growing and maturing. mirrord has a unique place in this ecosystem. The blend of very little to no friction and strong defaults makes it an attractive solution for cloud-native development.

By seamlessly mirroring traffic, environment variables, and file operations from the remote environment to the local process, it eliminates the common pain points in Kubernetes development. This approach not only speeds up the development cycle but also ensures that your local environment is as close to production as possible, reducing the risk of unexpected issues during deployment.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post. I hope you found it interesting and informative.

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Why is Building Pipelines Different from Software Development?

· 10 min read

It Doesn’t Have to Be! Simplify Your CI/CD Workflow with Dagger


CI/CD pipelines are essential for automating the process of software integration and deployment, ensuring that code changes are automatically tested, integrated, and deployed to production with minimal manual intervention or ideally in a fully automated way.

However, building and managing pipelines is not easy. In this blog, we will look into addressing some of the most common pinpoints of pipelines development and see how to improve.

This content will be valuable for Developers, Architects, DevOps Specialists, or anyone curious about how to improve building and maintaining CI/CD pipelines.

Challenges of building and running a CI/CD pipeline

The main challenge comes from the fact that CI/CD pipelines development and lifecycle management is treated differently from software development practices.

Nowadays, pipelines are mostly written in YAML. Large configuration files instruct pipeline runners hosted on services like GitLab or GitHub how to interpret a pipeline workflow file and what actions should happen.

👉 Read more about YAML file structure using Azure DevOps as an example.

Individual actions are wrapped with YAML tasks or steps which are in turn often bash scripts executed in the runner’s environment. Here is an example build job with multiple steps. Actions are used to call specialized steps and by default, the runner will execute commands provided in the run block.

runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4

- name: Setup Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }}

- name: Setup Hatch
run: pipx install hatch==1.7.0

- name: Set Default PyPI Project Version
if: env.PYPI_VERSION == ''
run: echo "PYPI_VERSION=v0.0.0+$(date -d@$(git show -s --format=%ct) +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)-$(git rev-parse --short=12 HEAD)" >> $GITHUB_ENV

- name: Set PyPI Project Version
run: hatch version ${{ env.PYPI_VERSION }}

- name: Build Sdist and Wheel
run: hatch build

- name: Upload Sdist and Wheel to GitHub
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: dist
path: "dist/*"
if-no-files-found: error
retention-days: 1

The main issue is that the commands can be executed locally, however there is no guarantee that the same commands will execute in the same way in the runner’s environment.

In other words, we cannot guarantee fully reproducibility of the pipeline.

Since reproducibility does not work, testing happens in the runner’s environment. The only way to debug the workflow is to add print statements or log to a file and dig in the runner’s log file to see what went wrong (spoiler alert, most of the time it’s missing comma or something equally trivial).

This typically results in commit history like this where pipeline doesn’t work but the only way to be sure it will work is to let it run and check errors.

What if pipelines could be… just code

Good news is that they can! Pipelines can be just code working in a standardized way, who knows maybe even using docker under the hood, but more on that later.

Why would we want pipelines to be written in a programming language?

  • creating and running tests with actual testing frameworks
  • locally debugging and testing each pipeline step
  • pipeline code versioning and releases
  • linting and code support (including various copilots) inside and IDE or text editor
  • using all the more programming languages facilities; async calls, functions, data structures, and more

What’s the deal with docker

I mention earlier that having docker could be nice. This is because when running pipelines we are bound to the proprietary runners offered to us by 3rd party vendors such as GitHub, GitLab, but also tools like Jenkins mandate their own syntax and integration points.

Wouldn’t it be cool if we could run the whole pipeline anywhere with reproducibility guarantees? For this to happen we need a standard way of executing pipeline jobs and steps/tasks. Here is where docker comes in.

Instead of running all pipeline steps in a proprietary runner format, we just need to run one step to hook into the runner’s execution environment and let the containerized environment do the rest.

What is dagger and how it can help

Sadly, dagger has nothing to do with beautiful blades but more do to with DAG (Directed acyclic graph).

So less of a:

Photo by Jimmy

And more like:

Source: dagger website

Transform your Messy CI Scripts into Clean Code

Powerful, programmable open source CI/CD engine that runs your pipelines in containers — pre-push on your local machine and/or post-push in CI

Let’s convert a pipeline

We are going to convert an actual python pipeline of one of my projects killercoda-cli which is a simple Python CLI helping with writing scenarios. The goal is to convert just the right amount of steps and introduce dagger gradually to the project.

The pipeline builds the CLI, runs tests and enables manual push to PyPi registry.

First things first; prerequisites

Before we start, we need to install dagger CLI and docker (podman and nerdctl would work too).

I’m using Linux, so curl will do just fine (with modified path to save the binary to):

curl -L | BIN_DIR=/usr/local/bin sh

The installation script instructs me how to add completion; executing

dagger completion zsh > /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_dagger

and after reloading zshrc tab completion works just fine:

Adding dagger to the project

Running dagger init --sdk=python pulled dagger image, created a dagger directory and dagger.json file.

├── pyproject.toml
├── requirements.lock
├── sdk
│ ├── codegen
│ │ ├── pyproject.toml
│ │ ├── requirements.lock
│ │ └── src
│ │ └── codegen
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ └──
│ ├── pyproject.toml
│ ├──
│ └── src
│ └── dagger
│ ├── client
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ └──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├── _engine
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ └──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├── mod
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ └──
│ ├── py.typed
│ └── telemetry
│ ├──
│ └──
└── src
└── main

12 directories, 42 files
"name": "killercoda-cli",
"sdk": "python",
"source": "dagger",
"engineVersion": "v0.11.7"

Build Environment Container

Let’s add a function to the src->main-> to create a development environment to build and test our project.

This function builds an environment with all the dependencies required by my application.

We can run it dagger call build-env — source=. and build an image.

💡Notice the kebab-case naming convention in the CLI, build_env becomes build-env

Earlier, we discussed local debugging and testing. Well, this is a container, so we should be able to drop into it with a shell!

➜ dagger call build-env --source=. terminal --cmd=bash
root@grt1fshu1uc6c:/src# ls -lah
total 2.1M
drwxr-xr-x 14 root root 4.0K Jun 13 16:21 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4.0K Jun 13 16:23 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 2 root root 1.3M May 26 20:39
-rw-rw-r-- 2 root root 23K May 26 20:39 .aider.input.history
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K May 26 20:39 .aider.tags.cache.v3
-rw-r--r-- 2 root root 52K Jun 13 14:00 .coverage
-rw-rw-r-- 2 root root 116 Feb 10 19:36 .coveragerc
drwxrwxr-x 9 root root 4.0K Jun 13 16:21 .git
drwxrwxr-x 3 root root 4.0K Feb 10 11:44 .github
-rw-rw-r-- 2 root root 3.4K Feb 10 11:34 .gitignore
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4.0K Jun 13 12:55 .pytest_cache
drwxrwxr-x 4 root root 4.0K Jun 13 13:58 .venv-test
-rw-rw-r-- 2 root root 1.1K Feb 10 11:39 LICENSE.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 2 root root 5.4K Jun 13 16:17
drwx------ 2 root root 4.0K Jun 13 14:51 _media
drwxrwxr-x 2 root root 4.0K May 31 11:38 assets
-rw-rw-r-- 2 root root 0 Jun 13 14:44 costam.log
-rw-rw-r-- 2 root root 6.4K May 26 14:42 coverage.xml
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4.0K Jun 13 14:45 dagger
-rw-r--r-- 2 root root 102 Jun 13 12:40 dagger.json
drwxrwxr-x 2 root root 4.0K Feb 10 20:21 dist
drwxrwxr-x 3 root root 4.0K May 31 11:32 killercoda_cli
-rw-rw-r-- 2 root root 686K Jun 13 14:47 output.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 2 root root 2.5K Jun 13 14:15 pyproject.toml
drwxrwxr-x 2 root root 4.0K May 31 11:08 temp_template
drwxrwxr-x 4 root root 4.0K Jun 13 14:03 tests

Being able to locally check the container is a game changer. Remember, the same will run on a remote runner VM.

Running Tests

One more function for running tests, notice how we execute the build_environment function before running tests.

➜ dagger call test --source=.
Current directory: /tmp/test_generate_assets/killercoda-assets
Source directory: /tmp/test_generate_assets/killercoda-assets
Generating assets from template:
Output directory: /tmp/test_generate_assets
Assets generated successfully.

Tests pass however outpout is a bit sparse, earlier we have setup tab completion, let’s see if there are any flags that can help us dagger call test — source=. <TAB>

➜ dagger call test --source=. --debug
--debug -- show debug logs and full verbosity
--json -- Present result as JSON
--mod -- Path to dagger.json config file for the module or a directory containing that file. Either local path (e.g. "/path/to/some/dir") or a github repo (e.g. "")
--output -- Path in the host to save the result to
--progress -- progress output format (auto, plain, tty)
--silent -- disable terminal UI and progress output
--verbose -- increase verbosity (use -vv or -vvv for more)

The debug option gives us full run logs with max verbosity, great!

Build & Publish

The last two functions are publish and build. Publish is going to use the awesome service, which allows for publishing short-lived images (max 24h) and is great for testing. Build will perform a multistaged build and get our application ready for deployment.

➜ dagger call publish --source=.

Integrate with GitHub Actions

The integration with GitHub Actions is easy, just add the action to YAML workflow and call any dagger function

- name: Hello
uses: dagger/dagger-for-github@v5
verb: call
args: call publish --source=.

Closing Thoughts

Integrating dagger into my GitHub Actions workflow wasn’t super easy, but it was way easier than dealing with pure YAML. The ability to adapt only parts of the workflow is great, no need for all-or-nothing rewrites; small, incremental steps are just fine.

From a high level, the below diagram shows working with dagger locally and in a remote environment.

dagger workflow

A bit win, in my opinion, is that if tomorrow I will decide to move to GitLab, I can do it much easier. Instead of migrating the whole pipeline, I keep it as is and migrate only the entry-point.

With the right amount of abstractions and clever reuse of the docker engine, dagger is a very strong choice for any pipeline. The community can collaborate on functions and capture best practices, which are available on daggerverse.

Give dagger a try and let me know what are your experiences.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post. I hope you found it interesting and informative.

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How to Build Cloud Native Platforms with Kubernetes

· 10 min read


Developer Portals, GitOps, Best Practices


Platform Engineering focuses on empowering developers and organizations by creating and maintaining internal software products known as platforms. In this blog, we will explore what platforms are, why they are important, and uncover best practices for creating and maintaining well-architected platforms.

This content will be valuable for Platform Engineers, Architects, DevOps Specialists, or anyone curious about how platforms can drive innovation and efficiency in development.

Understanding Platform Categories: Mapping the Terrain

Similar to DevOps, Platform Engineering struggles to define a platform concisely. A good way to understand what a platform is, is to list various kinds of platforms and their characteristics.

Platform TypesPlatform Types

  • Business as a Platform: Consider Uber, the entire product is a platform that connects users and drivers. This platform creates an ecosystem where businesses operate, users engage, and interactions happen seamlessly.

  • Domain-Specific Platforms: These platforms provide cross-cutting functionality for other applications. An example could be a geolocation API that is consumed by web frontend, mobile app and other services.

  • Domain-Agnostic Platforms: These platforms serve as foundational building blocks for developers, offering essential tools like database management, cloud storage, and user authentication. Cloud platforms like AWS or Azure provide the infrastructure and services that countless digital products rely on and are a good mental model to have when designing our own cloud native platform.

The platform landscape is vast and varied. From business-centric models to specialized domain platforms and versatile tools for developers, each plays a pivotal role in the digital ecosystem.

In this blog, we will focus on domain-agnostic platforms providing infrastructure.

The Case for Cloud-Native Platforms

Cloud-native is about how applications are created and deployed, not where. — Priyanka Sharma

Cloud-native platforms provide a foundation that allows applications to be designed with flexibility, largely making them environment agnostic. A well-architected platform offers several key benefits:

  • Simplified infrastructure management: Infrastructure provisioning and management are abstracted in a way that enables developers to move faster without compromising security and compliance requirements.

  • Increased development efficiency: A well-designed platform should increase developers productivity, improving metrics like lowering time to first commit, improving the incidents-to-resolution or reducing time to onboard new developers.

  • **Built-in scalability and reliability: **A successful platform brings to the table elements that are not part of core development efforts, but are crucial for product success. Those are: observability, scalability, automated rollbacks, integrated authentication and more.

Building Blocks of Cloud-Native PlatformsBuilding Blocks of Cloud-Native Platforms

Self-service portal

A self-service portal is a user-friendly interface that allows users to access and manage resources independently, empowering developers and users to create, configure, and deploy resources without IT support. This streamlines workflows, accelerates project timelines, and enhances productivity.

Examples like Backstage, developed by Spotify, and Port provide customizable interfaces for managing developer tools and services, ensuring efficient and consistent interactions. These portals embody the essence of self-service, enabling quick, autonomous actions that reduce bottlenecks and foster agility in development processes.

Programmatic APIs

Programmatic APIs are the backbone of cloud-native platforms, enabling seamless interaction with platform services and functionalities. These APIs allow developers to automate tasks, integrate different services, and build complex workflows, enhancing efficiency and consistency across environments.

APIs provide programmatic access to essential platform features, allowing developers to automate repetitive tasks and streamline operations. They support various transport mechanisms such as REST, HTTP, and gRPC, offering flexibility in how services communicate. For instance, API based on Kubernetes Resource Model enables developers to manage containerized applications, while AWS SDKs facilitate interactions with a wide range of cloud resources. By leveraging programmatic APIs, platforms ensure that developers can efficiently build, deploy, and manage applications, driving productivity and innovation.

Automated Workflows

Automated workflows are crucial for provisioning and deployment processes in cloud-native platforms. They ensure tasks are executed consistently and efficiently, minimizing human error and enhancing productivity.

Key to these workflows are CI/CD pipelines, which automate the build, test, and deployment stages of application development. Tools like Argo CD and Flux enable GitOps practices, where infrastructure and application updates are managed through Git repositories. By leveraging automated workflows, platforms can ensure rapid, reliable deployments, maintain consistency across environments, and accelerate the overall development process.

Monitoring and Observability

Monitoring and observability tools provide crucial insights into the performance and health of cloud-native platforms. These tools help detect issues early, understand system behavior, and ensure applications run smoothly.

Prominent tools include Prometheus for collecting and querying metrics, Grafana for visualizing data and creating dashboards, and OpenTelemetry for tracing and observability. Together, they enable proactive management of resources, quick resolution of issues, and comprehensive visibility into system performance. By integrating these tools, platforms can maintain high availability and performance, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Security and Governance Controls

Integrated security and governance controls are vital for maintaining compliance and protecting sensitive data in cloud-native platforms. These controls ensure that platform operations adhere to security policies and regulatory requirements.

Tools like OPA GateKeeper, Kyverno, and Falco play a crucial role in enforcing security policies, managing configurations, and detecting anomalies. OPA GateKeeper and Kyverno help in policy enforcement and compliance, while Falco specializes in runtime security and intrusion detection. By incorporating these tools, platforms can ensure robust security, maintain compliance, and mitigate risks effectively.

Ever Evolving

The only constant in technology is change. — Marc Benioff

Developer platforms are constantly evolving to meet the changing needs of developers and users alike. This continuous evolution ensures that platforms remain relevant, efficient, and capable of supporting the latest innovations and best practices. By staying adaptable and forward-thinking, platforms can provide the tools and features necessary to drive ongoing success and innovation.

Embracing Kubernetes Resource Model APIs

Application Programming Interface, is a set of rules and protocols for building and interacting with software.

The Kubernetes Resource Model API is the industry standard for managing resources in a cloud-native environment. Kubernetes acts as a universal control plane, continuously reconciling the desired state with the actual state of the system. Standardizing on this model offers several key benefits:

  1. Industry-Wide Standardization: Kubernetes has become the de facto standard for cloud-native infrastructure management. Its API-driven approach is widely adopted, ensuring compatibility and ease of integration with various tools and services.

  2. Universal Control Plane: Kubernetes serves as a universal control plane, providing a centralized management interface for infrastructure and applications. This centralization simplifies operations and enforces consistency across environments.

  3. Continuous Reconciliation: The Kubernetes API supports declarative management, where the desired state of resources is defined, and Kubernetes continuously reconciles this state. This automated reconciliation reduces manual intervention and ensures system reliability.

  4. Separation of Concerns: Platform engineers can configure infrastructure and policies, while developers interact with higher-level APIs. This separation enhances automation and self-service capabilities, empowering developers without compromising security or compliance.

  5. Scalability and Extensibility: Supporting transport mechanisms like REST, HTTP, and gRPC, the Kubernetes API is adaptable and scalable. It integrates seamlessly with a wide range of tools, facilitating the growth and evolution of the platform.

By leveraging Kubernetes Resource Model APIs, organizations can build robust, scalable, and efficient platforms that meet the dynamic needs of modern development environments​.

Platform as a Product: A New Perspective

Adopting a product approach to platform engineering is crucial for creating successful internal platforms. This means focusing on delivering continuous value to users — developers and the organization. It involves understanding user needs, designing and testing solutions, implementing them, and gathering feedback for continuous improvement.

Cloud hyperscalers like AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure exemplify this approach. They have built user-centric platforms that are constantly updated with new features, driven by user feedback and accessible via standardized APIs. This ensures they remain relevant and valuable.

For internal platforms, roles such as product owners and project managers are essential. They help ensure the platform evolves in response to developer needs, maintaining usability and effectiveness. By treating your internal platform as a product, you create a sustainable resource tailored to your organization’s unique needs.

Platform as a ProductPlatform as a Product

Delivering Value Through Cloud-Native Platforms

In our demo video, we showcase how to build a platform that embodies key cloud-native principles. This practical example demonstrates the immense value that a well-architected cloud-native platform can deliver. Here’s a brief overview of what you can expect:

  • Empowering Developers: See how the platform provides developers with the tools and autonomy they need to innovate and deliver faster.

  • Cloud-Native Principles: Watch as we leverage containerization, microservices, and other cloud-native practices to build a robust, scalable platform.

  • API-Driven Approach: Discover how using programmatic APIs streamlines operations, enhances automation, and ensures seamless integration between services.

  • GitOps Workflow: Learn how the platform employs GitOps practices to manage infrastructure as code, enabling more efficient and reliable deployments.

Watch the video to see these principles in action and understand how they come together to create a powerful, developer-centric platform.

Essential Tools

In the demo, you can see a range of tools that form the backbone of cloud-native platforms, each serving a critical role. From Kubernetes as the control plane orchestrator to GitHub for managing API calls via pull requests, these tools collectively ensure efficient, scalable, and secure infrastructure management.

Recap: Platform Components in Action

Let’s recap what we’ve learned about using Kubernetes as a control plane for infrastructure provisioning:

  1. Self-Service Portal: The Developer accesses the IDP Portal for a unified UI experience to manage applications and infrastructure.

  2. Push Changes: The Developer pushes changes to the GitOps Repository via a pull request.

  3. Approval and Merge: The Platform Engineer reviews, approves, and merges the pull request, updating configurations.

  4. Sync Changes: The GitOps Repository syncs the changes to ArgoCD.

  5. Deploy Changes: ArgoCD deploys the changes to the Kubernetes API.

  6. Reconcile Infrastructure: The Kubernetes API reconciles the infrastructure via Crossplane.

  7. Provision Infrastructure: Crossplane provisions the infrastructure via various providers.

This sequence ensures a streamlined, automated process for managing and provisioning infrastructure using Kubernetes and GitOps principles.


Closing Thoughts

Cloud-native platforms are revolutionizing how we develop and manage applications by providing robust, scalable, and secure environments. They empower developers with self-service portals, streamline operations with programmatic APIs, and ensure reliability through automated workflows and comprehensive monitoring tools. By embracing these platforms, organizations can accelerate innovation, enhance productivity, and maintain high standards of security and compliance.

Treating platforms as products ensures continuous improvement and alignment with user needs, making them indispensable tools in today’s fast-paced tech landscape. Whether you’re a Platform Engineer, Architect, or DevOps Specialist, leveraging cloud-native platforms can drive significant value, fostering a culture of efficiency and agility. Stay ahead of the curve, explore the potential of cloud-native platforms, and watch your organization thrive.

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Master Command Orchestration with Justfile

· 8 min read


Introducing Just

This content is also available as an interactive workshop on

It's like a Makefile just better

Every project needs to orchestrate commands; whether for testing, building, creating components, infrastructure and many many more. This is typically done via a Makefile or bash scripts. The problem with make is that it is designed as a tool to *build_C source code, it _can* run commands but that's not its purpose. This means that when using Makefile we take on the whole unnecessary baggage of the build part.

Bash scripts are a bit better but after a while when more scripts are created, managing them and their dependencies becomes a nightmare.

There is a tool that combines best of both worlds; just is similar to make, but focused on commands orchestration.


Next we will install just and set up a simple justfile to see how it works.

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf \
| bash -s -- --to /usr/local/bin

We can confirm that the installation was succesfull by running

just --version

Setting up sample project

Create a directory for the sample project

mkdir -p ./just-example && cd ./just-example

Create a justfile in the project directory

cat << 'EOF' > justfile
# This is a comment
echo "Hello, World!"

Running the first command

Now we can run the hello command > 💡 by default just will run first recipe in the justfile if we don't specify one


Basic Syntax

Next we will learn basic commands and syntax of just. > 💡 Commands in justfile are called recipes.

We can use @ to suppress printing the command to the terminal. This is useful when we want to show only command output and not the command itself.

Suppressing command

cat << 'EOF' >> justfile
@echo "Only this is printed"
echo "Both command and output are printed"

Now we can run the supress_command and full_command commands

just supress_command
just full_command

Running faulty recipes will fail early

Recipes will fail if any of the commands return non-zero exit code.

cat << 'EOF' >> justfile
@ls /non-existing-dir
@echo "This is never printed"

just fail_recipe

Recipes can have dependencies.

cat << 'EOF' >> justfile
@echo "This is the dependency"
dependent: dependency
@echo "This is the dependent"

just dependent

Running multiple recipes

cat << 'EOF' >> justfile
@echo "This is recipe1"
@echo "This is recipe2"

just recipe1 recipe2

Default recipe

If we don't specify a recipe, just will run the first recipe in the

justfile. We can specify a default recipe by using default as the recipe name.

echo "default:"
echo " just --list"
echo ""
cat justfile
} | sponge justfile


Notice that running just this time simply printed the list of recipes. > 💡 comments on top of recipes are used as descriptions when running just --list

Real-life example

There are many more features in just that we can explore. Next we will look an at example production ready justfile

Let's start by cloning a repository with the justfile and checking all the recipes in it.

cd ../
git clone
cd crossplane-box


📓 This justfile contains a set of recipes that help you to manage your Crossplane installation. You can find more information about the recipes in the Crossplane Box Blog


Just supports a set of settings that you can use to customize the behavior of the runner. For example:

set export
set shell := ["bash", "-uc"]

This tells just to export all variables and to use bash -uc for every shell execution where the -c flag tells bash to run commands specified as text and -u to treat unset variables as an error.

Built-in Functions

Just provides a set of builtin functions. For example:

yaml          := justfile_directory() + "/yaml"
apps := justfile_directory() + "/apps"

This tells just to define two variables yaml and apps that point to the specific directories regardless where the justfile directory is located.

It is also easy to detect operatin system and conditionally execute different commands:

browse        := if os() == "linux" { "xdg-open "} else { "open" }
copy := if os() == "linux" { "xsel -ib"} else { "pbcopy" }
replace := if os() == "linux" { "sed -i"} else { "sed -i '' -e" }

Here we can see that browse, copy, and replace functions are defined based on the operating system. Those can be used later in the recipes like this:

kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" \| base64 -d \| {{copy}}

Recipe Parameters

Just allows you to define parameters for the recipes. For example:

# setup kind cluster
setup_kind cluster_name='control-plane':
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
echo "Creating kind cluster - {{cluster_name}}"
envsubst < kind-config.yaml | kind create cluster --config - --wait 3m
kind get kubeconfig --name {{cluster_name}}
kubectl config use-context kind-{{cluster_name}}

Here we can see that the setup_kind recipe takes a parameter cluster_name which has a default value of control-plane.

Control Flow Recipes

It's very easy to string together various recipes in a sequence. For example:

# * setup kind cluster with crossplane, ArgoCD and launch argocd in browser
setup: _replace_repo_user setup_kind setup_crossplane setup_argo launch_argo

Here we can see that the setup recipe is a sequence of other recipes. This is useful when all commands are well tested and we want to quickly execute them in a sequence.

Advanced Features

Next we will look at some advanced features of just. Just offers a lot of flexibility and power to define and execute recipes. It is continuously being improved and has a very active community. Here are some advanced features that helped me to write complex recipes:

Using Shell Recipes

just allows you to define recipes in any shell language. This is very useful when you need to write complex shell scripts. For example:

# setup kind cluster
setup_kind cluster_name='control-plane':
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
echo "Creating kind cluster - {{cluster_name}}"
envsubst < kind-config.yaml | kind create cluster --config - --wait 3m
kind get kubeconfig --name {{cluster_name}}
kubectl config use-context kind-{{cluster_name}}

Notice the #!/usr/bin/env bash shebang at the beginning of the recipe. This means that the recipe is executed by single bash subshell and can share variables context.

Commands Evaluation

Variables' values are evaluated at runtime. This means that you can use

date_suffix                      := `echo test_$(date +%F)`

This will allow using the date_suffix variable in the recipes, and it will add suffix with test_(current date). Let's try it out:

cat <<EOF >> justfile 
date_suffix := \`echo test_\$(date +%F)\`
echo "Adding date suffix: {{date_suffix}}"

Just Scripts

Adding #!/usr/bin/env -S just --justfile shebang to the script allows calling just recipes directly as if they were scripts. This is very useful when working with system-wide scripts. For example, I use this alias to call just recipe that sets up my kind cluster with crossplane.

alias uxp="just ~/dev/dotfiles/scripts/uxp-setup/setup_infra"

This allows me to call uxp from anywhere in the system and it will execute the setup_infra recipe.

Interactive Mode

Just has an interactive mode that allows you to select recipes from the list using the --choose flag. Another alias I like to use is:

.j: aliased to just --justfile ~/dev/dotfiles/scripts/uxp-setup/justfile --working-directory ~/dev/dotfiles/scripts/uxp-setup --choose

Closing Thoughts

We have just scratched the surface of what just can do. Read more about features in just documentation.

We have just scratched the surface of just's capabilities. This powerful tool can orchestrate a wide range of commands for various tasks, offering flexibility and simplicity.

The combination of just's command orchestration and shell-like syntax makes it a versatile tool for managing complex workflows.

Next Steps

Happy orchestrating! 🚀

Thanks for taking the time to read this post. I hope you found it interesting and informative.

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How to Simplify Kubernetes Deployments with Kluctl: A Beginner's Guide

· 9 min read



Kubernetes has revolutionized the way we manage containerized applications, providing a robust and scalable platform for deploying, scaling, and operating these applications. However, despite its powerful capabilities, managing Kubernetes deployments can sometimes be challenging. Popular tools like Helm and Kustomize have become the standard for many teams, but they might not always meet every need.

This is where Kluctl steps in. Kluctl is a deployment tool for Kubernetes that aims to combine the strengths of Helm and Kustomize while addressing their limitations. It provides a more flexible and declarative approach to Kubernetes deployments, making it an excellent choice for those seeking an alternative.

In this blog, we'll explore Kluctl's unique features and how it can streamline your Kubernetes deployment process. Whether you're an experienced Kubernetes user or just getting started, this guide will provide valuable insights into why Kluctl might be the tool you've been looking for.

An interactive version of this blog is available on

scenariointeractive scenario

What is Kluctl?

Kluctl is a modern deployment tool designed specifically for Kubernetes. It aims to simplify and enhance the deployment process by combining the best aspects of Helm and Kustomize, while also addressing some of their shortcomings. With Kluctl, you can manage complex Kubernetes deployments more efficiently and with greater flexibility.

Key Features of Kluctl

  1. Declarative Configuration: Kluctl allows you to define your deployments declaratively using YAML files. This approach ensures that your deployments are consistent and reproducible.

  2. GitOps Ready: Kluctl integrates seamlessly with GitOps workflows, enabling you to manage your deployments via Git. This integration supports continuous deployment practices and makes it easier to track changes and rollbacks.

  3. Flexible and Modular: Kluctl supports modular configurations, making it easy to reuse and share components across different projects. This modularity reduces duplication and enhances maintainability.

  4. Validation and Diffing: One of Kluctl's standout features is its built-in validation and diffing capabilities. Before applying changes, Kluctl shows you what changes will be made, allowing you to review and approve them. This feature helps prevent accidental misconfigurations and ensures deployments are accurate.

source source:

Why Choose Kluctl?

  • Enhanced Flexibility: Kluctl provides a higher degree of flexibility compared to traditional tools like Helm and Kustomize. It enables you to customize and manage your deployments in a way that best fits your workflow and organizational needs.

  • Improved Collaboration: By leveraging GitOps, Kluctl enhances collaboration within teams. All deployment configurations are stored in Git, making it easy for team members to review, suggest changes, and track the history of deployments.

  • Reduced Complexity: Kluctl simplifies the deployment process, especially for complex applications. Its modular approach allows you to break down deployments into manageable components, making it easier to understand and maintain your Kubernetes configurations.

In summary, Kluctl is a powerful tool that enhances the Kubernetes deployment experience. Its declarative nature, seamless GitOps integration, and advanced features make it an excellent choice for teams looking to improve their deployment workflows.

Installing Kluctl

Getting started with Kluctl is straightforward. The following steps will guide you through the installation process, allowing you to set up Kluctl on your local machine and prepare it for managing your Kubernetes deployments.

Step 1: Install Kluctl CLI

First, you need to install the Kluctl command-line interface (CLI). The CLI is the primary tool you'll use to interact with Kluctl.

To install the Kluctl CLI, run the following command:

curl -sSL | bash

This script downloads and installs the latest version of Kluctl. After the installation is complete, verify that Kluctl has been installed correctly by checking its version:

kluctl version

You should see output indicating the installed version of Kluctl, confirming that the installation was successful.

Step 2: Set Up a Kubernetes Cluster

Before you can use Kluctl, you need to have a Kubernetes cluster up and running. Kluctl interacts with your cluster to manage deployments, so it's essential to ensure that you have a functioning Kubernetes environment. If you haven't set up a Kubernetes cluster yet, you can refer to my previous blogs for detailed instructions on setting up clusters using various tools and services like Minikube, Kind, GKE, EKS, or AKS.

Kluctl in action

Next we will setup a basic kluctl project. To start using kluctl define a .kluctl.yaml file in the root of your project with the targets where you want to deploy.

Let's create a folder for our project and create a *.kluctl.yaml *file in it.

mkdir kluctl-project && cd kluctl-project

cat <<EOF > .kluctl.yaml
discriminator: "kluctl-demo-{{ }}"

- name: dev
context: kubernetes-admin@kubernetes
environment: dev
- name: prod
context: kubernetes-admin@kubernetes
environment: prod

- name: environment

This file defines two targets, dev and prod, that will deploy to the same Kubernetes cluster.

We can use the args section to define the arguments that we will use in our YAML files to template them. For example {{ args.environment }} would output dev or prod depending on the target we are deploying to.

Create Deployment

Next we will create a kustomize deployment for redis application. Under the hood kluctl uses kustomize to manage the Kubernetes manifests. kustomize is a tool that lets you customize raw, template-free YAML files for multiple purposes, leaving the original YAML untouched and usable as is. > 💡 we are following a tutorial from the kluctl documentation Basic Project Setup Introduction

Let's create a deployment.yaml where we will define elements that kluctl will use to deploy the application.

cat <<EOF > deployment.yaml
- path: redis

commonLabels: "redis"

Now we need to create redis the deployment folder.

mkdir redis && cd redis

Since we are using kustomize we need to create a kustomization.yaml file.

cat <<EOF > kustomization.yaml
- deployment.yaml
- service.yaml

And now we can create the service.yaml and deployment.yaml files.

cat <<EOF > deployment.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: redis-cart
app: redis-cart
app: redis-cart
- name: redis
image: redis:alpine
- containerPort: 6379
periodSeconds: 5
port: 6379
periodSeconds: 5
port: 6379
- mountPath: /data
name: redis-data
memory: 256Mi
cpu: 125m
cpu: 70m
memory: 200Mi
- name: redis-data
emptyDir: {}

cat <<EOF > service.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: redis-cart
type: ClusterIP
app: redis-cart
- name: redis
port: 6379
targetPort: 6379

Deploy the app

Next, we will deploy the redis application to the dev target. First, we need to change to the root of the kluctl-project repository and initialize a git repository there.

cd /root/kluctl-project && \
git init && \
git add . && \
git commit -m "Initial commit"

Now we can deploy the application to dev environment.

kluctl deploy --yes -t dev

💡 Notice that we are using the --yes flag to avoid the confirmation prompt. This is useful for the scenario, but in real life you should always review the changes before applying them.

Handling Changes

Next we will introduce changes to our setup and see how kluctl handles them. Let's see what we have deployed so far by executing tree command.

|-- deployment.yaml
|-- kustomization.yaml
`-- redis
|-- deployment.yaml
|-- kustomization.yaml
`-- service.yaml

1 directory, 5 files

💡 Notice this resembles a typical kustomize directory structure.

One of the superpowers of kluctl is how transparently it handles changes. Let's modify the redis deployment and see how kluctl handles it.

yq -i eval '.spec.replicas = 2' redis/deployment.yaml

Now let's deploy the changes to the dev target.

kluctl deploy --yes -t dev

Remember at the beginning, we have added custom labels to each deployment. Let's see if the labels were correctly applied.

kubectl get deployments -A --show-labels


Next, we will use templating capabilities of kluctl to deploy the same application to a different namespace At the beginning of the workshop, we have two different environments; prod and dev. This setup works out of the box for multiple targets (clusters), however in our case, we want to have a single target (cluster) and we want to deploy different targets to different namespaces.

Let's start by deleting the existing resources and modifying some files. > 💡 It is possible to migrate the resources to a different namespace using the kluctl prune command. However, in this case, we will delete the old resources and recreate them in new namespaces.

kluctl delete --yes -t dev

In order to differentiate between the two environments, we will need to adjust the discriminator field in the .kluctl.yaml file.

yq e '.discriminator = "kluctl-demo-{{ }}-{{ args.environment }}"' -i .kluctl.yaml

We also need to create a namespace folder and yaml and add it to our kustomization.yaml file.

First create the namespace folder.

mkdir namespace

Now we can add the namespace folder to the kustomization.yaml file. > 💡 Notice the use of barrier: true in the kustomization.yaml file. This tells kluctl to apply the resources in the order they are defined in the file and wait for the resource before the barrier to be ready before applying the next ones

cat <<EOF > deployment.yaml
- path: namespace
- barrier: true
- path: redis
commonLabels: "redis"
overrideNamespace: kluctl-demo-{{ args.environment }}

Now let's create the namespace YAML file.

cat <<EOF > ./namespace/namespace.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: kluctl-demo-{{ args.environment }}

Test the deployment

We will test if our setup works by deploying the redis application to the dev and prod namespaces. Deploying the resources to the dev namespace:

kluctl deploy --yes -t dev

And to the prod namespace:

kluctl deploy --yes -t prod

Let's check if everything deployed as expected:

kubectl get pods,svc -n kluctl-demo-dev
kubectl get pods,svc -n kluctl-demo-prod

Closing thoughts

That's it! We have seen basic capabilities of kluctl.

We have barely scratched the surface of kluctl capabilities. You can use it to deploy to multiple clusters, namespace, and even different environments.

The mix of templating capabilities based on jinja2 and kustomize architecture makes it a really flexible tool for complex deployments.

Next Steps

Thanks for taking the time to read this post. I hope you found it interesting and informative.

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Build Your Own Kubernetes Co-Pilot: Harness AI for Reliable Cluster Management

· 8 min read


Have you ever felt frustrated by nonsensical AI outputs and hallucinations? If yes, this blog is going to be helpful for new or seasoned Kubernetes users who want to explore how AI can help manage Kubernetes resources more reliability.

What are AI hallucinations?

In a nutshell, AI hallucination occurs when a large language model (LLM) generates misleading or incorrect information in response to a prompt. This can happen due to various factors such as insufficient or flawed training data, overfitting, unrecognized idioms or slang, and adversarial inputs. These hallucinations manifest when the AI, aiming to produce coherent responses, makes errors that range from subtle factual inaccuracies to nonsensical or surreal outputs, similar to how humans might perceive patterns in random visuals.

In the context of Kubernetes, these aren't just minor nuisances; they can lead to significant operational blunders. In this blog, we explore how to enhance reliability of AI responses, mitigate the risks of hallucinations, manage Kubernetes resources using AI!

How can AI be helpful in managing Kubernetes resources?

Before we start exploring the technical setup, let's answer the question how can AI be helpful in managing Kubernetes resources? Imagine an AI assistant that can help you create, fix, and validate Kubernetes resources in a conversational manner. You might ask it to create a new deployment, fix a broken service, or validate a YAML file. If you are learning Kubernetes, this assistant can be a great learning tool to help you explore the cluster and clarify Kubernetes concepts.

Kubernetes helps manage cloud applications, but its YAML configurations can be tricky. When working with AI tooling, we've all faced those moments when AI tools, designed to ease this burden, instead contribute to it by generating nonsensical outputs; a phenomenon we refer to as "AI hallucinations".

Problem Statement

Let's state the issue we do have with AI in the context of Kubernetes:

  • 🤖 AI faces issues with consistency and reliability when dealing with large YAML files.
  • 🧠 AIs can have "hallucinations," generating illogical outputs that become more problematic as the input size increases.
  • 📈 This inconsistency makes working with AI models non-deterministic and error prone


Our main goal is to increase reliability and consistency in AI responses. We use two main techniques to achieve this:

  • 🛠️ Function calling to bind API routes as tools available for the AI Assistant to communicate with a Kubernetes cluster
  • 🔍 Internet search APIs to provide accurate and relevant information about Kubernetes

Implementation Plan

The following steps outline the plan to achieve our goals:

  • 💼 Use Flowise to implement the logic flow so that the AI Assistant can help with managing and troubleshooting a Kubernetes cluster on our behalf.
  • 🛠️ Create a simple Flask API that exposes functions for the AI Assistant to enable it to interact with the Kubernetes cluster.
  • 💻 Use function calling to bind the API routes as tools available for the AI Assistant which enables communication with a local Kind cluster with Kubernetes running.
  • 💬 Test the AI Assistant with various scenarios to ensure it can handle different Kubernetes configurations and provide accurate responses.

Assistant in Action

To follow along, you can clone the repository from GitHub, install prerequisites and follow the instructions.

Step 1: Setup the AI Assistant

In flowise create a new assistant. Notice that I'm using OpenAI's latest model, but for testing purposes you can select less powerful models or any open source model. The quality of responses will be affected, but it will still work.

Here are instructions that the assistand will follow:

You are a helpful Kubernetes Assistant specializing in helping build, fixing and validating various kubernetes resources yaml files.
Start by greeting the user and introducing yourself as a helpful and friendly Kubernetes Assistant.

If the user asks for help with creating or validating yaml files, do the following:

- if the files are correct proceed with the next steps, if no propose fixes and correct the file yourself
- if user asks for information about the kubernetes cluster use the get_config function and provide relevant information
- ask the user to submit one yaml file at a time or create one yaml file yourself if the user asks you to create one
- send the YAML content and only the YAML content to the create_yaml function
- immediately after use the tool cleanup_events to clean any old events
- ask the user if they would like to see the validation results and inform them that it takes some time for the resources to be installed on the cluster
- if the user responds yes, use the tool check_events to see if everything is correct
- if the validation passes, ask the user if they want to submit another YAML file
- if the validation fails, propose a new corrected YAML to the user and ask if the user would like to submit it for validation
- repeat the whole process with new YAML files

Your secondary function is to assist the user in finding information related to crossplane. Example categories:

- for questions about kubernetes concepts such as pods, deployments, secrets, etc, use brave search API on
- for generic Kubernetes questions use brave search API on kubernetes docs:
- for questions regarding kubernetes releases and features use brave search API on kubernetes releases documentaiton: If you are asked for details about specific release, select one of the releases, otherwise use latest stable release.

Step 2: Flask API

The file defines API routes that wrap the kubectl commands.

ℹ️ The flask server is a naive implementation for demonstration purposes only. In real life scenario, we wouldn't call kubectl directly from the server but rather use a client library like kubernetes or client-go.

Step 3: Expose local URL to the internet

In order to enable the OpenAI assistant to use the functions we must expose the locally running flask server to the internet. For this a nice tool to use is ngrok. You can download it from here and follow the instructions to expose the local URL.

Step 4: Function calling

Now we can create functions for each API route. Those are:

  • get_config - returns the current Kubernetes configuration
  • create_yaml - creates a new Kubernetes resource from a YAML file
  • check_events - checks the status of the Kubernetes resources

For each of those routes we create a function that calls the API and returns the response. Here is how the function looks like in flowise:


Step 5: Use brave search API

The secondary function of our assistant is to assist the user in finding information related to Kubernetes. We can use the brave search API to achieve this

Step 6: Testing

Now since we have the whole flow available, let's test the assistant.


Let's start by asking what is the cluster we are running on:


Here the assistant used the get_config function to get the current Kubernetes configuration and correctly identified the cluster.

Now let's ask the assistant to create a new nginx based ingress:


Notice how the assistant correctly selected the create_yaml function to create the ingress and then used the check_events function after asking if we would like to see the output. It's also interesting that it has found a different event that was not related to the nginx ingress and classified it as unrelated to our request.

Now, let's submit a broken deployment and see if the assistant can fix it:


In this case we have submitted a broken deployment and the assistant has correctly identified the issue and even proposed a fix.

Lastly, let's check if the assistant can help us undrstand some Kubernetes concepts:


Here the assistant has used the brave search API to find information about the Kubernetes resource model and provided a link to the source.

Closing Thoughts

We have successfully demonstrated that using function calling and carefully crafted prompt instructions, we can increase the reliability and usefulness of AI assistants in managing Kubernetes resources. This approach can be further extended to other use cases and AI models.

Here are a few use cases where this approach can be useful:

  • 🤖 improved learning experience
  • 📈 help increase Kubernetes adoption
  • 🌐 virtual Kubernetes assistant

This guide demonstrates using function calling and carefully crafted prompt instructions to enhance the reliability and usefulness of AI assistants in Kubernetes management. These strategies can be extended to other use cases and AI models

Next Steps

Give it a try, build your own AI powered Kubernetes management today:

  • Clone the Repository: Visit GitHub to get the necessary files.
  • Set Up Your Assistant: Follow the instructions setup prerequisites and start building your Kubernetes Co-Pilot.
  • Engage with the Community: Share your experiences and solutions, there setup is very much proof of concept and can be improved in many ways.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post. I hope you found it interesting and informative.

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Crossplane resources in Neovim

· 2 min read

In the realm of text editors, Neovim stands out for its extensibility, especially for developers working with Kubernetes. The telescope-crossplane.nvim extension bridges the gap between Neovim's editing capabilities and Kubernetes resource management. This tutorial outlines the prerequisites, installation, and setup processes for integrating telescope-crossplane.nvim into Neovim, providing an efficient way to manage Kubernetes resources.


Obviously some familiarity with Crossplane plus the following installed.

  • Neovim version 0.9.0 or higher.
  • The telescope.nvim plugin
  • kubectl


Installation of telescope-crossplane.nvim can be achieved through various plugin managers. A popular choice is packer.nvim. To install, include the following in the Neovim configuration file (init.lua):

use { "Piotr1215/telescope-crossplane.nvim",
requires = { { 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim' } },
config = function()

Setup and Usage

Once installed, telescope-crossplane.nvim offers two commands that enhance Kubernetes management:

:Telescope telescope-crossplane crossplane_managed for managing Crossplane resources. :Telescope telescope-crossplane crossplane_resources for a broader view of Kubernetes resources.

These commands can be executed directly in Neovim, bringing Kubernetes resource management into the editor.

This integration significantly reduces context switching, as developers can view, edit, and manage Kubernetes resources without leaving their coding environment.

Benefits of Integration

Integrating telescope-crossplane.nvim with Neovim offers several advantages:

Streamlines Kubernetes workflows by bringing kubectl functionalities into Neovim. Enhances productivity by reducing the need to switch between terminal and editor. Offers a unified interface for code and Kubernetes resource management.


Neovim is a very extensible editor, lua is easy to learn and plugins not that difficult. It might be some learning at the beginning, but it’s well worth it.

The workflow with editing Crossplane resources (or any kubernetes resources for the matter) is a very common one. Deleting finalizes, adding/removing annotations etc. It’s all about staying in the flow and not leaving your main development environment.

Development with AI: the GAG Stack

· 5 min read



Are developers going to be replaced by AI? What is the future of software development? Those questions are asked again and again as the software development landscape is evolving rapidly.

Viewpoints are polarized and generate heated debates and discussions. There is enough debate to fill a book, but in this article, I would like to explore practical applications of AI in software development. We are operating under the assumption that AI is here to stay and evolve, but at the end of the day, it is a tool that can be used to enhance our capabilities.

The GAG Stack

The GAG Stack is a bit of a tongue-in-cheek term that I came up with to describe a workflow that I have been experimenting with. It stands for GPT Pilot, Aider, and GitHub Copilot. These are three AI tools that exemplify well the stages of software development.

Communication and collaboration between people is at the heart of software development. For as long as this stays the case, AI tools will be used to help us model this process. This is how it could look like using the GAG Stack:


We will still have to gather requiremetns, design, refine, test, retest, fix bugs, debug and deploy. The paradigm doesn't change much, the tools however do. The tools evolved to help us with the process.

Example Workflow

Let's take a look at how the GAG Stack could be used in practice. We will use a simple example of building a to-do list app.

Setup the environment

I'm using neovim and linux for my development workflow, yours might be different. Refer to the installation instructions for all the tools to setup on your machine.

For me the gtp-pilot runs via docker-compose, aider is installed via pip and GitHub Copilot as a neovim plugin.

Design and Refinement

We start by gathering requirements for our to-do list app. We want to have a simple app that allows us to add, remove and edit tasks. Let's start by providing this concept to GPT Pilot.

The Docker image has only node installed, so we are going to use it. It should be simple to add new tools to the image or use local setup. Here is initial prompt for a simple todo app:


The main value of this tool is the ability to refine and iterate on the desing. GPT Pilot will ask for specifications and generate an initial scaffolding:


As a result of this back and forth, GTP Pilot generated app in a local folder (mounted via volume in docker-compose):

~/gpt-pilot-workspace/minimal-todo-app🔒 [ v16.15.1]
➜ tree -L 3 -I node_modules
├── app.js
├── package.json
└── package-lock.json

0 directories, 3 files

After a few iterations, we have a simple app running:

app-running with the following code:

// Require Express and Body-parser modules
const express = require("express");
const bodyParser = require("body-parser");

// Initialize a new Express application
const app = express();

// Configure the application to use Body-parser's JSON and urlencoded middleware
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));

// Start the server
const port = process.env.PORT || 3002;

app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Server is running on port ${port}`);

Feature development

Now we can use Aider to help us with the development of the app. Aider is a development accelerator that can help with code modifications and features development.

Aider interface:

➜ aider
Aider v0.27.0
Model: gpt-4-1106-preview using udiff edit format
Git repo: .git with 4 files
Repo-map: using 1024 tokens
Use /help to see in-chat commands, run with --help to see cmd line args

Now we can generate feature for adding a new TODO item:


We can keep iterating by adding new features and testing. For example:


Code Iteration

Finally, we can use GitHub Copilot to help us with the code iteration. GitHub Copilot is an autocompletion aid that can provide suggestions.

For example, here I want to log the GET request to the console, so I start typing:


And get autocomplete suggestions:


Obviously, the GAG stack is not the only set of tools, and the ones I've chosen might or might not have something to do with the resulting acronym. There is Devin, an open-source equivalent, Devina, that claims to be the first AI software engineer. There is Codeium, a free Copilot alternative. There are many other tools in this category, and the landscape is evolving rapidly.

Keen readers might have noticed that the underlying models used are OpenAI's GPT-3 and GPT-4. However, this is not a requirement. The tools can work with both local and remote models, paid and free. The choice of the model is up to the user.

So, are developers going to be replaced by AI? Are doomers or accelerationists right?


I think the answer is more nuanced. AI tools are here to stay, and they will be used to enhance our capabilities. The GAG stack is just one example of how AI can be utilized to assist us with software development.

As long as software development relies on human communication and creative collaboration, we will be talking about augmenting software development with AI rather than replacing it.